Configuring Tables

Configuring Tables

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, there are two limitations as to when tables can be used:

  • Tables are supported on iPad only, all other devices will ignore the table properties and display the module as configured in the Module Settings.
  • Modules cannot have child objects. As tables use a non standard format, there is no Related List displayed. Users would therefore be unable to navigate to child records.

There are two parts to configuring a module:

  1. Setting a module for table display. See Setting Table Display In Module Settings.
  2. Entering table display properties. See Table Display Settings.

Preloading Tables

It is possible to preload tables with values. Administrators set up filters and configurations for table, and users would be presented with a selection of records available to them rather than having to select filters using the drop down table. This is where using JavaScript will greatly enhance the dynamics of the iEnterprise Mobile™ Client, as discussed in the previous section. 

Preloading tables also has the effect of restricting which data a user can enter. If records do not meet the preload rules, they are unavailable for selection by the end user.

For example, if the Data Source has two product types - Sales Inventory and Maintenance - administrators can ensure that users are only able to add Sales Inventory Items to an opportunity by creating a rule to preload only records with the Sales Inventory type. 

When preloading a table, JavaScript code is needed to define which values should be preloaded to the device. Please refer to the iEnterprise Mobile™ JavaScript Guide for more information on using JavaScript in Table Configuration.

If you do not have experience in adapting the code provided to suit your requirements, iEnterprises can provide a quotation for creation of code to suit your requirements.