Table Overview and Usage Scenario

Table Overview and Usage Scenario

Tables within iEnterprise Mobile™ are designed to display simple modules with a small number of fields. For example, in an Order Module where a user is expected create a record for every product in that order including Item number, quantity, and price. It allows the user to create several records of the same type at the same time.

To demonstrate the table functionality, we will use the example of an Opportunity module, where a user creates a number of "Opportunity Item" records to identify which products, prices and units a customer is considering.
The user would normally click on the blue plus sign next to Opportunity Item to create a new child record. This displays a form allowing users to enter details of the first product the customer is interested in.
Users would be expected to hit the Save And New icon to continue entering the next product of interest. Using this method of data entry can be laborious.

The following fields would be displayed:

  • Opportunity: This is the name of the parent opportunity we were viewing when we created the Opportunity Item record.
  • Price Per Unit: User completes the price being charged.
  • Quantity: User completes the number of items under consideration.
  • Existing Product: This is a reference to a Product module.
  • Unit: Another reference to a Unit of Measurement module.

If displayed as a table on an iPad, for example, each row would represent a single child record allowing the user to enter several new records in rapid sequence before saving.
When using a table, the same fields may be displayed in a different fashion, or kept in the background.

The following is an example of how the above fields may change:

  • Opportunity: This field is no longer shown, it remains as a hidden field as a reference to the parent.
  • Price Per Unit: This field has been reconfigured to be displayed on the far right of the table.
  • Quantity: This field is displayed in the left column.
  • Existing Product: This is still displayed in a column, possible values are displayed. The data displayed will depend on filters chosen.
  • Unit: Also displayed in a column, possible values are displayed. The data displayed will depend on filters chosen.
  • List Price: This is an added field from another related module (Product) to assist an on-site sales associate when placing the product order. For more information, see Related Fields in Tables

If data is entered into the table, a green checkmark is displayed next to the row to indicate it contains data. For each row marked with a green checkmark, clicking on the save icon will create a record with the data entered in that row. This method of data entry is far quicker than creating individual records in a non-table based form.


In the iEnterprise Mobile™ client, clicking on the Blue Plus icon will still display the form to enter a single record. Clicking anywhere else on the bar in the Related List will open up the table entry.

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