Delivery Out and Out Summary

Delivery Out and Out Summary

Delivery Out

Shows all data that has been pushed or is waiting to be pushed to a mobile device as a result of an update to the Data Source. This would include new records being added or changes to existing records.
Columns in the Delivery Out report are:

  • User: The User name of the Creator/Recipient of the record.
  • Module Name: Alias of the Data Source module name.
  • Record ID: Unique ID of the record from the Data Source.
  • Type: Indicates whether it is a record update (Update) or a new record (New) that was transmitted.
  • Status: Can indicate one of the following codes:
  • Common ID: Unique identifier for device-record-transmission.
  • Created: Date/Time stamp of the action performed.

Out Summary

Displays a summary of the information contained in the Delivery Out report, grouped by each device (PIN).

  • PIN - The UNID of the Device
  • READY: Record is waiting to be sent to the mobile device. Indicates that synchronization has not yet taken place.
  • IN PROGRESS: Transmission is currently being processed.
  • COMPLETED: Record was successfully received by the mobile device.
  • RCVD_ERR: Error in transmission, could be due to an interrupted data connection or cancellation by the mobile user.
  • User: The User name of the Creator/Recipient of the record.