Viewing and Downloading a Log File

Viewing and Downloading a Log File

Log files can be downloaded, viewed and searched using the Utility menu within the iEnterprise Mobile™ Admin application. The level of detail available will depend on the Logging type selected at the time the log were created.

The logging options are:

  1. Off - No logs will be created in any event. While this is an option, it is not recommended while the iEnterprise Mobile™ server is in operation.
  2. Fatal - The log will only capture data in the event of a Fatal Occurrence.
  3. Error - Only Errors will be logged
  4. Warn - System and Device Warnings will be recorded.
  5. Info - Captures general information only on iEnterprise Mobile™ server actions and communications with devices.
  6. Debug - Captures a high level of detail of server actions and communication with devices including Login failures, update success and failures, and server warnings.
  7. All - All information is captured.

Note: The more data you want to capture the larger and faster the log size will grow. Logging levels may be changed at any point, so a recommendation would be to have Debug set after a new installation as your users are first getting set up, to clearly see any reasons for failures. once most or all have completed this step, switch to "Info" to see general daily operations. In case a user has trouble later, set back to Debug and have that user re-create the steps that first displayed the error so that you may troubleshoot.

The log file is automatically deleted after a predefined period of time. The number of days it is stored for is set in System Keys using the log.retentionperiod.days field 

To view the iEnterprise Mobile™ server log file:

  1. Select Utility in the Navigation Menu on the left of the page.
  2. Select Show Log in the Navigation Menu to display the list of available log files.
  3. The files are listed with the newest item at the top. The first file in the list is the current log file that is being updated, named after the iEnterprise Mobile™ server context.
  4. The files are named as follows (using sm_01-31-07.txt as an example):
    1. sm = iEnterprise Mobile™ server name / context
    2. 01 = Month that the file was saved
    3. 31 = Day that the file was saved
    4. 07 = Number of log file for that day. Log files are saved every hour, so there will be a total of 24 saved each day.
    5. If your server has split Service Ports (client access) and Console Ports (Admin console access), a log file will be generated for each port separately. The files would be named as follows:
      1. sm_S_01-31-07.txt: Service Port log file
      2. sm_C_01-31-07.txt: Console Port log file
  5. Click on the name of a log file in the list of files to select it and choose from one of the following options:
    1. Click the Download button below the list to download a .txt or .zip copy of the file.
    2. View the log file online (see following entry).