Keywords Overview

Keywords Overview

Keywords are used to present the client user with a list of values to choose from, rather than entering a value using the keyboard. They are sometimes referred to in CRM applications as keywords, lists or picklists.

To display a list of keywords available within the Admin application, select Keywords in the Navigation Menu on the left of the page.


The Keywords menu is displayed, allowing you to add, change and remove keywords. A list of keywords currently mapped will also be displayed, if any exist.



Keyword Names

Displays the name of the keyword as pulled from the data source or entered when a keyword item was created using the Add button.

Keyword Items

Lists of choices presented to the user when using the client application.

Keyword Items Alias

Underlying value that will be written to or read from the data source.

Conditional Keyword Items

Lists any conditional keywords associated with selecting the Keyword Value. Conditional Keyword Items are only displayed after selecting a keyword item, if any conditional keywords exist.
In the example above, if an accountcategorycode (Customer Type) is entered as a Preferred Customer, the address1_shippingmethodcode (Shipping Method) keyword list will only allow a user to select one of the values displayed in this column.

There are four menu buttons:




Allows the import of Data Source picklists into iEnterprise Mobile™

  • Read: Read Keyword values from the Data Source and update and changes.
  • Read and Reset: Read values from the Data Source and replaces current values with those from the Datasource. This will remove any manually configured keyword values including Conditional Keyword settings.


There are three options available:

  • Keyword: Used to add a new keyword list within iEnterprise Mobile™.
  • Keyword Item: Used to add additional values that can be selected within a keyword list.
  • Conditional Keywords: Used to configure Conditional Keywords. See Creating Conditional Keywords 


There are three options available:

  • Keyword: Used to edit a keyword within iEnterprise Mobile™. 
  • Keyword Item: Used to edit value and alias information for an item within a keyword list.

  • Display Order: Allows you to reorder the Items in a Keyword list using click/drag. Once completed, click on 'Submit Order Change'.
RemoveThere are four options for Remove:
  • Keyword: Remove the currently selected keyword.
  • Keyword Items: Remove the value currently selected in the Keyword Item list.
  • Conditional Keyword: Remove all conditional keyword list items currently associated with the selected Keyword Name.
  • Conditional Keyword Item: Remove all conditional keyword list items currently associated with the selected Keyword Item.  



The item currently selected will be edited. You must select either a keyword or an item in the Keyword Item list before selecting. For more information, see Configuring Keywords And Items