Lotus Notes Connector Manual Installation Instructions

Lotus Notes Connector Manual Installation Instructions

If you have chosen to manually update the Mail Template with the design elements see the instructions below.  




Open the Mail Installer and the Mail database to be modified in the Designer Client.


Copy these designs from the Mail Installer and paste it into the Mail Template being modified : 

form - (IENContactSugar) 

form - IENWebServiceProfile 

form - IENVersion 

form - (IENContactDownload) 

form - (IENCharacterSkip) 

form - (IENSettings_Mail) 

script library - ienWebService 

script library - ienWebService_CRM 

script library - ienWebService_sync 

script library - IENConfiguration   

script library - ienCommon 

script library - ienCustomCodes 

subform - IENContactsSearch 

subform - IENSubform 

subform - IENSubform_Microsoft 

subform - IENWebService 

subform - IENSelection 

subform - IENSubform_activation 

agent - SyncCRMRecords 

agent - -> Lotus Notes Connector\Reset Sync 

view - (IENView) 

view - (IENCalendarFieldsLookUp) 

view - (IENDocumentLookup) 

imageresource - BTN.gif 

imageresource - Button-Back.gif 

imageresource - Connector_Generic.gif 

imageresource - Connector_Microsoft.gif 

imageresource - IENConnectorLogo.gif 

Personal Address book Integration : 

Copy these designs from the Mail Installer and paste it into the Personal Address Book database : 

agent - -> Lotus Notes Connector\Download Contacts from CRM 

agent - -> Lotus Notes Connector\Open Contact from CRM 

agent - -> Lotus Notes Connector\Send Contact to CRM 

agent - -> Lotus Notes Connector\Settings 

agent - -> Lotus Notes Connector\Sync All Contacts 

agent - -> Lotus Notes Connector\Sync Selected Contacts 

form - IENSettings 

subform : IENWebservice_NAB 

script library - ienJavaSOAPRequest_NAB 

script library - ienWebservice_crm_NAB 

script library - ienwebservice_sync_NAB 

script library - ienCommon_NAB 

script library - ienCustomCodes_NAB 

script library - iencontacts_NAB 

view - CRM Contacts 

imageresource - IENConnector.gif


Open the Memo** form from the Mail file and insert a computed subform (see the screen shot below) 

Make sure the formula in the Programmer's Pane is computed and the formula reads :

@If(IsMailStationery = 1; Null ; "IENSubform")

REPEAT the same for forms - Reply and Reply with history

** If you are using Mail version 8.0 or higher, the form name is "Message"

=> Repeat this step for the Reply, and Reply with History forms. 


Open the To-Do form from the Mail file and insert a computed subform into the To-Do (see the screen shot below)

Make sure the formula in the Programmer's Pane is entered:



Open the _Calendar Entry form from the Mail file and insert a computed subform into the _Calendar Entry (see the screen shot below)

Make sure the formula in the Programmer's Pane is entered:



If you have chosen to manually update the Mail file rather than the Mail template, you should make sure all the design elements listed above have the property 'Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify' checked. 

If you haven't checked this flag, when the Server does a mail refresh or if refresh is done manually, all the design elements of the Mail file will be replaced with the ones from the Mail template. If the Mail template doesn't have the Connector installed, all manual changes done on the Mail file will be lost. 

Choose design element - > Right click and choose properties - > Select Design Tab and check the property as shown below 

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