Uploading a JavaScript Library to the Server
Uploading a JavaScript Library to the Server
The following procedure shows you how to upload a JavaScript library to the Swift MEAP™ Server. Only .js files are supported.
To upload a scripts library to the Swift MEAP™ Server
- Start the Admin application.
- Click Administrator on the vertical application bar, and then select import JS.
- Select one of the following two options:
- Upload to existing subfolder - Uploading to an existing subfolder will replace the contents with the new JS library data. Core subfolders are write-protected, and they may not be manually modified.
- Create new subfolder. For Swift MEAP™ with a single port configuration (such as tomcat only on port 8080), the subfolder is located inside the following path:
- Select a folder from the Select folder drop-down list.
- Click Choose File to browse to the location of the library file on your local drive.
- Click Upload.
For a split port configuration, where Swift MEAP™ serves the console and the client on different ports, the subfolder is located inside the following path: $TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\[Contextname]\console\[Contextname]\images\MESvrAccountId\JSLib
Script files that you upload will overwrite the existing files on the server, and there is currently no support for removing a script from the Swift MEAP™ console.
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