LNC Mail Template

LNC Mail Template


Associating a database to a master template is the easiest way to keep a consistent design for multiple databases.  To distribute the Lotus Notes Connector, it is best to create a master template and use the Designer task or the Mail Conversion Utility.  


Below are the steps on how to create a Master Mail Template (.NTF)

1.  Run the LNC on a mail file to load new design elements (mail.nsf)

2.  Open the LNC-converted mail File (mail.nsf) in Domino Designer

3.  Click on File  > Application > New Copy



In the “New Copy” box that appears, enter the following information:

1:  Server - Choose your Domino Mail Server

2:  Title – Give your Master Mail Template a name that tells the views what this is.  Example: “LNC Mail Master Template”

3:  File Name – the programmatic name of your mail template. This must end in .ntf.  Keep similar to the Title. Example: “LNC_Master_Mail.ntf”

4:  Encryption – Do NOT encrypt.  Click this button and choose to NOT encrypt.  If you selected your mail server in step 1, this button may not appear.  If you do not see it, then skip this step.

5:  Application Design Only – Choose this selection when making a template.

Once done with all 5 steps, click “OK”.


When you see a database that has an extension “.nsf” contains Data and Design.  “.ntf” is design only.


4.  Open the Properties of the NTF you just made, and on the Design Tab set this as a Master Template, and Enter the name you want this Template to have.  Example: “LNC Master Template” 03

You now have a Master Mail Template.  You may either use the  Mail Conversion Utility to push this design to all selected users, or you may take the manual step below, Step 5.


5.  (optional): Open the Properties of a user’s Mail File, and on the design tab select to Inherit design from a Master Template, and enter the same name you gave your template in Step 4

From that point, the user may refresh mail design, or you can wait a day for the Mail Design Refresh Designer task to run on the mail server automatically.  The user will have the new LNC interface.


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