General FAQ Topics

General FAQ Topics

This section will cover a general scope of Frequently Asked Questions not specific to any one version of the LNC.

This will also cover Manual Installation Procedures, Master Template Creation, Deployment Options, and Configurable Features.



Q: Lookups to object fields are returning a null value (no records found).  This used to work before, so why did it stop now?

A: This may be due to expired login information (password change or expiration of password for that ID).  See below for confirmation steps.

Standard LNC – Open the settings panel and click "OK".  This will test your connection to the CRM. You will see a success or failure message.  If Success, open the CRM and confirm that there are records that match your search needs.  To not use boolean terms in LNC in your test.

Enterprise LNC – Open the Settings Panel and click to save.  This will test your credentials.  In some cases the password for that CRM Admin ID may have been changed and not also changed in LNC Admin Panel.  Please note that this CRM Admin Login Failure will affect all users for lookup access to the CRM, as the Admin DB is a passthrough.

You may always look in the Notes Status Bar to see connection success, or if there are error messages when things do not go as planned.  Not all notes-based errors will appear in the middle of the screen.  This will assist support in determining the problem if you tell them the Notes Status Bar data.