iEnterprise Mobile iPad/iPhone Quickstart Guide

This guide is designed to provide a quick introduction to the iEnterprise Mobile™ iPad and iPhone client application.  It is not designed to provide an explanation for all features, it includes enough information launch, activate, view, edit, create and remove records. 

It is assumed that you have already contacted iEnterprises to register your interest and have been provided with an activation email address or have your own iEnterprise Mobile™ server installed that you wish to activate against.  You do not need activation details if you wish to use the client without connecting to your own data source, but this will be required if you wish to download / view / modify your own data instead of the sample data provided.

The iPad/iPhone iEnterprise Mobile™ client uses functionality common to iPad/ iPhone devices. The following gestures are used in the guide:

    • Tap – tap your finger and release to select. The most commonly used gesture for selecting options / icons / buttons in the application.
    • Drag – press your finger to the screen and hold. Move your finger and then release. This is used to scroll in lists, pages and tables.
    • Swipe – similar to drag, but performed quickly and in one direction only.

First launch

After launching the iEnterprise Mobile™ client application for the first time you will be presented with two options:

  • Connect to my data source: This is the option to choose if you have been given an activation address, have login details and wish to connect to your data source.
  • Use local application: This enters an offline, disconnected version of the application. It does not connect to any server or data source and contains sample data. It can be used to familiarize yourself with the application without affecting actual data.

Simply tap on the option that you wish to select.  In this guide, we will go through the process in connecting to your data source, if you choose to use the local application the guide can still be followed to introduce the interface.

The following chapters are included in this guide:

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