Delivery In
- PIN: The device
- FAILED: Number of failed records.
- Pending: Number of records pending delivery.
- Unknown-Parent: Parent record can not be identified.
- RETRIED: Number of records in a re-attempt to deliver.
- EXECUTE: 'Execute' is a status of a Delivery In record that is being sent to the Data Source. If there are any records in that state, it is either a timing issue - because a request should only take a matter of a couple of seconds to process - or there is a problem and the record was not processed correctly. The latter reason means the record is stuck in Execute Status until the Swift MEAP™ iEnterprise Mobile™ (Tomcat) server is restarted. If restarting the server is not an option at the time, you may also run a script to update the record and change it to a FAILED or RETRIED status at which time the queue job will process it again.
- Email: Email address of the user provided at time of registration.