On the 'About' page in the Administrator section of the Navigation Menu is a tab that summarizes the data In and Out traffic for user devices. This will include:
- A list of the objects and the last polled date, matching the detail as shown on the GetUpdatesJob time config page. The data is ordered by date, with the oldest date at the top, so to see any problem modules easier.
- A count by Object by Status of records in the Delivery In.
- A count by User by Status of records in the Delivery In.
- A count of records, by Status (excluding completed) per user for records that are more than 15 days old in Delivery Out.
- A count of Users where the CAD status is AWAITING_CONFMN for more than 15 days
- Top 5 errors from the Delivery In based on the error code for Failed or RETRIED, showing error code and description.