Using Download Rules

Using Download Rules

The amount of information downloaded to a device during an initial load is defined within the Download Rule menu.  Unless specifically configured in Download Rules, no data will be downloaded from a module during an Init Load or Re-Load process.

Once a rule has been defined it is automatically active and cannot be disabled, only removed using the Delete Icon.


Use the following procedure to view a list of download rules:

  1. Select Rules in the Navigation Menu on the left of the page.
  2. Click Download Rule within the Navigation Menu.

A menu bar appears across the top of the screen that enables new rules to be added in much the same way as in Get Updates above, except that there is an additional field to set this as either a New Rule or a Replacement Rule (choose the number matching the existing rule you need to replace).
A list of rules may have already been configured in your deployment.

Editing a Download Rule

  1. In the top bar, you may select your conditions anew.
  2. In the last field marked 'Rule', choose the rule number you are changing.
  3. Click 'Add' to replace the selected rule with your new configuration.
  4. Alternately, you may do the following:
    1. Click inside the conditions box of the rule you want to change.
    2. Enter new conditions in the Rule Field.
  5. Click validate to check to see if you have entered the code in properly
  6. Click 'Submit'


CRM On-Demand Only - 'Sales Stages' and 'Currency' must be part of the Init load as they can not be downloaded manually later.