Loading Initial Data on to User Devices

Loading Initial Data on to User Devices

The initial data load retrieves data that meets the download rule criteria defined for each module, using the mobile user's Data Source login credentials. Data is then repackaged and sent to the mobile device.

Use the following procedure to load initial data on to user devices from the Users page:

  1. Select the check box next to each user that you want to load initial data to.
  2. Move the cursor over Data Load button, then select InitLoad.
  3. Click Yes when prompted to load initial data.

To review the progress of Initial Loads, see Initload and Initload Summary.


Once a user activates a device, a CAD file is automatically sent to a device, which should be followed by an initial load. Administrators can choose whether this process is a manual or automatic process.

To perform an initial load automatically whenever a new device activates, set the system key perform.initload.process to InitLoad. For more information on setting system keys, see Configuring System Keys.
If the system key perform.initload.process is set to Nil, administrators will have to manually start the InitLoad process as detailed above.


If a user already has data on a device, sending an InitLoad request (as detailed above) will clear data stored on a device and begin a new data load. The CAD file is not updated as part of the InitLoad process. 
If changes have been made to the configuration, a new CAD is also required.

To send a new CAD file and reload data, use one of the following options:

If a large number of users are performing an Initial Load at the same time, performance of the Data Source can be affected. It is possible to limit the number of concurrent activations by altering the value in the system key max.crmquery.initload, if you experience problems. For more information on setting system keys, see Configuring System Keys.

It is recommended that the number of concurrent Initial Loads is limited to 25, to avoid issues with data Source performance. If the number of requests exceeds the figure set in the system key, load requests are queued and processed in chronological order. Initial Loads waiting to be processed are marked as Pending in the Queue. 
CRM On-Demand Only - 'Sales Stages' and 'Currency' MUST be part of the Init Load as they can not be manually downloaded later.