JavaScript onSave Function Example 2: Conditional Query
JavaScript onSave Function Example 2: Conditional Query
In this example, a user is creating a Task from an Opportunity. A Lead Source is selected as a parent object, and depending on the value stored in the parent, a different value is stored in the Task record Description field. The following assumptions are made in this example:
- The MODULEID of the parent module is 4.
- The MEFIELDNAME of the Lead Source parent field is PIPEKW15.
- The MEFIELDNAME of the Description field to update is TASKTXT03.
An example of a complete onSave query with header and footer information and a conditional query is as follows:
<html><head><title>onCreateExample2</title><script type="text/javascript"> function fieldsOnDefault(){ return "TASKTXT03-4.PIPEKW15"; } function getDefaultValueOfTASKTXT03(LeadSource){ if(LeadSource == 'Event - Seminar'){ return "Task regarding Event Seminar"; }else if( LeadSource == 'Event - Trade Show'){ return "Task regarding Event Trade Show"; }else if( LeadSource == 'Event - Other'){ return "Task regarding General Event"; }else{ return ""; } } </script></head><body></Body></html>
- return "TASKTXT03-4.PIPEKW15"; changes because you want to calculate the value of TASKTXT03 based on a value stored in module 4, field PIPEKW15.
In this example, the source of the Opportunity (PIPEKW15, LeadSource) will translate, on the creation of a new Task from that Opportunity, to the Task's Description (TASTTXT03).