Swift MEAP Local Database Tables

Swift MEAP Local Database Tables

This Table lists the database tables that are used in the Swift MEAP™ application. \

Table Name

Table Description


Stores all the application validation rules.


Stores context settings from the server.


Stores all external application configurations.


Fields are grouped into different display groups. Information on grouping is stored in this table.


Contains all the field conditions, whether they are required, read only, or hide conditions. Also stores the JavaScript filters for reference objects (conditionQueryJSON).


Stores the map settings for each field, including the following: module ID, field ID, field label, type, length, default value.


Stores the modules with a REFERENCE-IMPLICIT type, that are only used in Microsoft CRM.


Stores all the information related to keywords, including the following: keyword ID display value, alias information, conditional information.


Stores the fields that are enabled for lookup, listed by module.


Stores the module settings and menu settings information, including the following: module IDs, labels, sort fields, search fields, heading information, read only and delete settings, and so on.


Contains the menu settings and the business card settings.


Stores information relating to any conditional icons configured in the Swift MEAP application, including the conditional rules and icons used.


Stores the JavaScript code. The onSave, onDelete, onOpen code is stored by module ID.


Stores information about the the data source Server and copy to calendar, address book, and task options displayed in Global Settings.


Stores the parameters for all fields configured within the Quick Selector, including fields stored, length, parent and child details.


Stores the JavaScript used to define filters, validation, and toggle buttons for the Quick Selector.


Stores information about all modules with configured Quick Selectors. Contains the information defined in the list section of Quick Selector menu.


Stores all quick action button configurations, including icon files used.


Lists all of the fields and settings used if modules are configured to be displayed in a Table Form.


Contains the JavaScript code, which filters the information displayed in tables.


Stores the system keys, and their settings.


Stores the address book entries that have been synchronized to the native client application. If the data is removed from Swift MEAP, then this table is used to remove the data from the native application also.


Stores all the data that is displayed in the synchronization log.


Stores the details of attachments, if configured. Contains signature, and will be utilized for photos in future releases.


Stores the calendar entries that have been synchronized to the native calendar application on the user device. If data is removed from Swift MEAP, then this table is used to remove the data from the native application also.


Stores the Parent-Child relationships, including the row ID or temporary device row ID relationships, and the modules related to every record where a relationship exists.


Stores edited information, pending successful update to the data source. If the update permanently fails, then the data is restored from this table.


Stores the latitude and longitude information for addresses.


Stores the login details of the current user.


Stores the cached lookup requests, data searched for, status and count of records returned.


Stores the cached lookup response from the server, including all information displayed in the lookup results page.


Stores all the XML requests from the user device that are waiting to be sent to the server. If the user device is switched to offline mode, then you can see the exact requests queued to server.


Stores the fields and the order in which they are sorted in the application.


Stores the temporary packets received from the server during and initial load or update. When the packets have been downloaded to this table, they are processed in the order that they were received.


Stores the C+ incremental value used in combination with the device PIN to calculate the devicerowid of record.

medata_x, where x is the moduleid.

These tables are created when the CAD is received, and store all data on the user device in the corresponding module ids. For example Appointment (Module ID 7) would be stored in medata_7.

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