JSON goToURL Action

JSON goToURL Action

The goToURL action is not included in onSave events. However, it is considered an alternative action. You use the goToURL action when defining a link to an external application, and you enter the goToURL code as part of the configuration process when setting up the external application.
The purpose of the goToURL action is to start the external application URL, which contains the defined fields and values to be passed to the external application.

You can encode the URL using the noescape parameter of the goToURL action. If the noescape parameter is set to True, then the URL is encoded. However, if noescape is set to False, then the URL is not encoded. If the noescape parameter is included but not set in the goToURL action, then noescape defaults to False and the URL is not encoded.

The typical format for a goToURL action is as follows:

return "[ {\"action\":\"goToURL\",\"noescape\":\"trueorfalse\",\"url\":\"" + externalAppURL + "\"} ]"; 

As with all JavaScript code, goToURL must be enclosed within HTML header and footer tags. For more information, see HTML Header/Footer

To enter goToURL code in the Admin Application

  1. Start and log in to the Admin application.
  2. Click Map Settings, and then Module Settings on the vertical navigation bar.
  3. Click More next to a module, and then select Quick Actions.
  4. In the External App Configuration section, click Add to configure a new action.
  5. Complete the fields for the external application as required.
  6. The JSON code is entered into the Value.


External applications can open Swift MEAP™ to a particular record. Table 11 below shows the URL to use for each version of Swift MEAP™.

List of URLs for Swift MEAP™.

Application Name

URL Scheme

Swift MEAP for CRM on Demand


Swift MEAP for Microsoft Dynamics CRM


Swift MEAP for Siebel CRM


Swift MEAP for Datasource


An example URL might be SwiftMEAPMSCRM://ModuleLaunch?ModuleId=2&Id=AAPA-RJSY90 where AAPA-RJSY90 is the record id of a known contact.