Enables logging during the use of the Swift MEAP application on the device and can be used for troubleshooting purposes. This should only be enabled if requested by your Administrator or iEnterprises Support.
To enable logging:
- Tap on the Swift MEAP Icon in the top left corner of the application to enter options menu.
- Tap on the bar labeled Advanced.Options.
- Tap on Logging.
- Slide the enable logging button to commence logging. Slide the button back to disable logging.
Logs can be mailed by clicking on the mail.logs label. In English, this is usual labelled Mail Logs. NOTE: The native mail client will need to be configured to email the logs to an administrator.
Logging can also be enabled before activating the device. This can help troubleshoot activation issues. in the iPad Settings, select the installed Swift Meap app. Slide the Enable Logging button to the right. Try activation again.
Click on Mail Logs on the top right hand corner of the activation screen to email the log.
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