New records can be created wherever a + icon is displayed in blue. Typically, the + icon appears at the top of the display or in the related list.
Tapping the blue + icon opens the new record page:
Tapping on a field without a > mark will display the iPad/iPhone numeric / text virtual keyboard, allowing you to enter data.
We also use checkboxes in the client, tapping a checkbox will toggle its display.
Fields in grey are read only fields; you cannot alter their value.
If editing is enabled, the word Edit will appear in the top right corner of the record detail page. Tap to edit the current record.
The edit form is the same as the new record form, but the Save button is replaced with Done which confirms you have finished making changes.
In the edit screen, as with the new record screen, required fields are highlighted in red. Grey fields cannot be edited.
When you have completed the fields that you wish, there are options available at the top of the screen to save. The three options are:
Depending on your configuration, there may be additional validation performed before the record is saved. If your record fails validation a message will be displayed and you will be returned to the record creation screen.