Users can run a process to selected records via a Quicklink. This could be setting a field or send an email.

An Automation Quicklink must already have been setup by your Administrator on Setup a Quicklink.

How to run a Record Process

1.  Select Contacts from the Object Navbar.

2.  Click on Tools > Mass Action button from the Action bar. Mass Action dialog opens.

3.  Select a Record Source. There are 4 options: Selected Records, All Records from Account, Public Mailing List and View.

a.  For Record Source = Selected Record. Email recipient are the selected contacts, count of which is displayed on screen.

(Note: This option will only show if customer has selected records from the open view)

b.  For Record Source = All Records from AccountEmail recipient are contacts under the selected Account.

On the Accounts dropdown, select an Account.

c.  For Record Source = Public Mailing ListEmail recipient are contacts with the same entry on the Mailing list field.

On the Public Mailing List dropdown, select a Mailing List.

d.  For Record Source = ViewEmail recipient are contacts listed on the selected view.  Here is a link on How to Create a view.

On the View dropdown, select a View. 

4.  On Action radio button, select Run Quicklink.

5.  On the Quicklink dropdown, select a Quicklink.

6.  Click Proceed.

7.  Click Yes to confirm action.